Yoga Nidra Deep Rest Course
Meditation shaped by iRest

"Thank you so much for what I reckon could well be the most transformative Meditation I have ever experienced!"
Sue P ~ Abingdon
What is this adaptation of Yoga Nidra Meditation shaped by iRest?
It is the way of the Mindful Warrior...
Evidence Based Transformative Practice
Based on the ancient teachings of meditation. An evidence-based transformative practice that leads to psychological, physical, spiritual healing and wellbeing.
The practice is integrative as it heals unresolved issues and traumas that are present in your body and mind.
Nourishing noble qualities such as, joy, peacefulness, empathy, forgiveness, patience and loving kindness to yourself and others.
Restorative as it enables you to recognize your innate peace of mind that is always present amongst all changing circumstances of life.
Tools to Embrace a More Easeful Life
Providing you with the tools to help you relax deeply, release stress, increase resilience, improve interpersonal relationships and provide you with greater mastery and control in your life.
Your Practice
The practice is for you, so can be done in a lying down position, but you are welcome to sit or be standing if preferred so you can be more present for your practice as you are softly invited to explore your inner world with the steps of Yoga Nidra.
Your Pets are Welcome
If you are a pet owner you will know they are more than pets, they are members of your family and bring great joy, unconditional love to life and are of great comfort. For some it can be very nourishing to have your pet by your side during practice. Nourishing for your pet too as they sense your deep sense of relaxation.
Sue P ~ Abingdon ~ 2021
"Thank you so much for what I reckon could well be the most transformative Meditation I have ever experienced!"
Maggie ~ 2021
" Such a treat to settle down on a Sunday evening for an hour dedicated to resting and rejuvenating my mind and body in the comfort of my own home. I find the sessions
deeply relaxing and also very spiritual and uplifting. They help me make sense
of the stressful and difficult time in which we currently live "
Why it's important to Join the Yoga Nidra Course
To make the transition from:
Confusion to Clarity / Agitation to Relaxation / Chaos to Calm
You'll have the chance to finally feel totally R-e-l-a-x-e-d.
Experience deep restfulness in the comfort of your own home.
Re-discover your inner peace that has always been present.
Provide yourself with greater mastery and control of your life.
Practices lead you to psychological, physical & spiritual well-being.
This is an evidence-based transformative practice.
No Experience required.
Suitable for All
What to Expect?
* 8x 1 hour Live Online ZOOM Group Classes.
* Sunday 7 - 8pm GMT
* A restful course that is full of Meditative practices rather than intellectual studies.
* Deep Rest in the comfort of your own home. Giving you the opportunity
to integrate this exquisite practice immediately into your daily life.
* Guidance on preparing your "Rest Nest" a sacred space for your practice.
* Access to the Yoga Nidra Course Online Guest Page that includes:
Writings, Voice Recordings, Bite Size & Full Length Yoga Nidra Practices for you to
explore at your own pace. Helping you to build a self practice that runs alongside the course.
* Ability to contact me anytime if you need to reach out to talk about your practice. I will always be there if you need to share something of simply need someone to listen.
* Your place will automatically saved for the next course :-)
2024/25 Online Course Dates ​​​​
Course Twenty Three
Sundays 7-8pm
29/09, 06/10, 13/10, 20/10
2wks break self practice
10/11, 17/11, 24/11, 01/12
Course Twenty Four
Sundays 7-8pm
08/12, 15/12, 22/12
29/12, 05/01, 12/01
2wk break for self practice
02/02, 09/02
Course Twenty Five
Sundays 7-8pm
16/02, 23/02, 02/03, 09/03
16/03, 23/03, 30/03, 06/04
Course Twenty Six
Sundays 7-8pm
13/04, 20/04, 27/04, 04/05
11/05, 18/05, 25/05, 01/06
Course Twenty Seven
Sundays 7-8pm
08/06, 15/06, 22/06, 29/06
06/07, 13/07, 20/07, 27/07
Course Twenty Eight
Sundays 7-8pm
03/08, 10/08, 17/08, 24/08
31/08, 07/09, 14/09, 21/09
Course Twenty Nine
Sundays 7-8pm
28/09, 05/10, 12/10, 19/10
26/10, 02/11, 09/11, 16/11
Courses Continuously Run - More dates to follow !
Is the Course Suitable for me?
Yes because this adaptation of Yoga Nidra Meditation is appropriate for people with or without a Yoga or Meditation or background.
Suitable for All
Price 8wk Course £115
Never has there been a more important time than now to explore your inner world and make it a happier place to be
Don't let the sun go down on your chance of inner peace
There's no time like the present to make your choice

Come practice Yoga Nidra with me
and rediscover your natural state of wellbeing